Spacecraft Hangar

"Welcome to Orcus Freeport; a space station precariously orbiting a blackhole. People only come here for one of two reasons; to pick a fight or to pick up a bottle or two of dark matter spiced rum... Although, it's usually both. Enjoy your stay."
I wanted to create an environment in a similar style to the Firehawk spaceraft ( - chunky, industrial sci-fi with a good amount of grime. The whole scene was built in UE 5.3 and most of the assets you see were made by me aside from a small number of props from Unreal Marketplace and Megascans that were used to help set dress the scene.
A lot of the assets, especially the large architectural pieces were made with tileable materials and unique masks using a layered material and virtual texturing workflow. I created my own layered master materials, which has allowed me to create good quality assets in a relatively short time frame. Feedback and comment are always welcome. Thanks for viewing.